Support the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity!

To make this chessboard even more stunning, I’m offering a unique experience: we’ll create a custom stand for it together at our workshop in Ruda Śląska, guided by Michał Fudalej.

If you already have such a chessboard (though I doubt you do – this is one of a kind!), check out the many other fantastic items available in the WOŚP auction here: (link).

Luxury and professional chess set!
12 January 2025

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This year, we’re excited to once again participate in the amazing event, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity!

This incredible initiative supports pediatric oncology and hematology departments this year.

We are proud to contribute something truly special to the auction (link).

You can bid on a small chessboard signed by all three legendary Polgar sistersSusan Polgar, Judit Polgar, and Sofia Polgar!


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