16 EUR
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65 EUR
1 080EUR
ChessboArt 800
580 EUR
Tournament Chess Clock made by OCHZ Orłowska Fabryka Zegarów "JANTAR" in the 1960s.
The clock is in collector's condition and works perfectly.
Intresting fact: This exact model appeared in the movie "The Queen's Gambit," in the final scene:
The chess clock is over 50 years old. As enthusiasts of chess and chess clocks, we are striving to gather as much information about it as possible. If you have any interesting facts about this clock (or similar ones), please feel free to contact us.
We have only one available piece of this clock, and we are offering it both in our physical store and through other channels. Therefore, if you want to ensure that it is still available, please send us an email or give us a call. Contact details: