Ruchla / Garde Chess Clock

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Koopman Chess Clocks

These are one of the most beautiful, professional chess clocks. Produced in Holland with great attention to quality. In our collection and shop there are clocks from the period from about 1950 to 1980.



Ruchla / Garde Chess Clock

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Yantar / Jantar Chess Clock

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Yantar / Jantar Chess Clock

One of the earliest Soviet Jantar chess clocks from 1960. This model featured in the Netflix hit series "The Queen's Gambit."



HAU / HAC Chess Clock

Our Chess Clock

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HAU / HAC Chess Clock

We suspect that it may be the only one of its kind in the world. The plaque indicates the year 1930, but it is likely from begining of the productions- 1910 . Please check the history!



Wooden chess figures and pawns with magnets for hanging.

Wooden chess figures and pawns with magnets for hanging.

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Antique and Vintage Wooden Mechanical Chess Clocks

Antique and Vintage Wooden Mechanical Chess Clocks.

Our passion is chess and wood. We increasingly spend time in the company of chess and chess clock collectors. From now on, clocks are also available at ChessboArt.


We restore the shine and functionality of old wooden chess clocks.


In our opinion, nothing complements ChessboArt chess sets better than these classic clocks.



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Macro photo of chess pieces and chesboard from the ChessboArt luxury hanging chess set

Ruhla / GARDE Chess Clock

One of the most popular mechanical chess clocks in the world. Beautiful and wooden. The first World Championship matches were played on these clocks as early as 1960, and the last ones in 1993.